Friday 16 March 2012

The Front Garden.

You won't find roses, fountains or display beds in my front garden. What you will find are fruit trees and one mother of all hedges.The hedge is full of  life and has been home to pairs of blackbirds who have nested in it for over 18 years. At the moment I have oodles of leaf-curling spiders and over the past month or so, some delightful bugs that I have not seen in these parts before. In fact the colours on some of these bugs is amazing. Also I have had plenty of dragon flies and I always smile as they buzz past
There have also been quite a few huntsman spiders, shuffling over my fence, waste bins and hedge. I don't know about you, but I love huntsmans-my kids think I am a lunatic!
                                           The Apple Tree and That Hedge
Lemonade, Mandarin and Lime Trees (you can just see the limes on the right).

The unusually variable weather has caused what looks like a sooty black mould on my fruit trees and hedge. The hedge gets such mould regularly but just copes with it. I am sure that lately the poor trees don't know what season they are in and after the last few days, neither do I.

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