Friday 2 March 2012

Day1-It Begins..

Well finally got into the vegetable patch. It has taken me days to get weather reasonable enough to be able to start. It is going to be a long process as I have Rheumatoid Athritis and I am one of the unlucky ones for whom conventional drug therapy didn't work very well. So I am on biological DMARDS and I have everything crossed but my eyes that it will keep on working for me. Still, everyone gets dealt a spread of cards in life--it's what you do with them that counts.

Gertrude and Enid


So the first bed,(and the smallest), has been cleared, only five more to go. I had two supervisors throughout the process waiting patiently for me to throw the weeds and grasses their way. While waiting, Gertrude and Enid decided that teasing Baxter was a good use of available time and Baxter, bless his heart, provided them with plenty of amusement.

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