I think I am in trouble again. My Dad forgot his work bag and came back home and left the front gate open. As Mum opened the front door, I scooted out, through the front gate and took off exploring the neighbourhood. No.2 son finally caught me, and Dad was not impressed when I tried to look cute and lay on my back in the middle of the road.
When I finally got back home, Mum yelled at me. I know she was worried as I have absolutely no road sense. So I went out the back to console myself with my tasty,( Mum says revolting), bone.
I thought I would lay low for a while.
I'll let Mum calm down.
My my this bone is scrumptious. |
Maybe if I look cute and adorable she will forgive me. Hmmm, I wonder if this is working on her.
MMMMmmmmm |
Oh oh, she is sitting on the seat looking at me. I think I can still see some steam coming out of her ears.
I hang my head in shame.
YES, she has stopped steaming. She can't stay mad with me for long.
Now I can get back down to the important things in life.
I heard Dad say 'Bloody Dog'.