Saturday, 20 October 2012

Weed Wars

Well it's a lazy Saturday, nothing much happening around the place. I  have decided that today is my "I am going to blitz the garden " day. I am going to win the war against those pesky weeds. It is going to be a total WEEDICIDE. First I get the dinner going, a lovely slow cooker meal called Dumaloo. Oohh, I am getting dizzy with efficiency.
I then go and find Baxter and tell him that we are going to destroy the weeds today.

The little bugger actually laughed. Not to be deterred, I gathered my bucket and spade and proceeded to the back door. Who should I see? The female half of those pesky blackbirds looking for a weak spot in my vegie patch defences.

I smirk, my defences are stronger than Fort Knox. Anyway, onwards I say and head out to the first fruit tree to weed around. I only weeded a few weeks ago so there shouldn't be much to do. Oh dear, slight miscalculation.

HAHAHAAAA I told her so..........


  1. Lol!
    Dumaloo - that sounds intriguing!

    1. Dumaloo is a meat-free curry, a spiced new potato and spinach curry that you can serve with a lentil dhal and plain rice or naan bread. We just serve it with rice.

  2. We call that curry sag aloo. Gorgeous, whatever the name! Hope those weeds aren't winning - fab final pic! xxxx
