I think that there would be thousands of women out there who would understand what I have gone through. What is it you ask? The answer = SNORING!! My other half snored so loudly that most of the street would hear him on balmy summer evenings. Now I may not have been the most understanding of spouses when 2am in the morning I elbowed him, but I needed some sleep. I perfected the falling asleep within 10min routine, but should I not fall asleep, a long, long night followed. 30yrs of it. I told him that felons get less time for murder!
Well, about 3 weeks ago, he finally went to a sleep specialist. The result:
CPAP machine. |
It turns out he has severe sleep apnea and stops breathing over 70 times a night. This little machine should be given a medal, I'd marry it if I could. For the first time in over 30yrs, he just breathes, no snoring and it is truly heaven. I have suggested that if his life insurance is raised substantially, the pipe could be hooked up to.......
So if any of you have a hubby that snores so loudly that he can be heard from the top of Mt Everest, get a CPAP asap. It could save a life. Hmm, now where did I park the car.......................?